Webcomics in storyline:


Extinction 11

Oh man, what a waste of tea… So I want to F.A.C.T.S and took over Tze’s table on Sunday. Saw some great cosplayers, sold a few books, got a couple of people dropping by who I hadn’t seen in a while. All in all, I’d say it was a pretty good day. Next year I think I’ll go for the

Extinction 12

Come back next week for the final page of the second chapter in this firebird story. (By the way, if you’re still on the fence about buying the Beardfluff book, why not check out this excellent review by the folks over at GAFBO). After that, I’m taking a little break to do some writing and prepare for ThoughtBubble. But fear

Extinction 13

That is it for the second chapter! I have 2 small stories and a 1-pager ready for you in the weeks leading up to December while I’m taking a small break to write the rest and finish other work. Oh, and I’m changing the update schedule! (There’s a longer explanation in the news post, but this is the important stuff:)